
Map of Beijing

Above is a rough map of Beijing. The distance to the Fragrant Hill Hotel and the cost by taxi are estimated as follows:

Starting from Distance /km Cost /¥
Capital International Airport 45 150
Beijing Railway Station 30 100
Beijing West Railway Station 23 75

For more geometry information, please resort to Google Maps.

It may helps if you show the following characters to the taxi driver. (The Chinese words are in an image, you may download it instead of using the clipboard.)

For Chinese Driver Translation in English
Dear Madam/Sir:
I'd like to go to the Fragrant Hill Hotel, which lies inside the Fragrant Hill Park at the northwest of Beijing. Thank you!
Dear Madam/Sir:
I'd like to go to Physics Department of Tsinghua University, which lies at the northwest door of the campus. Thank you!

Tsinghua University,2010

Phone: 0086-10-62786629

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