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Muon Collider Design Workshop
December 8-12, 2008
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA


Motivation & Goals
The annual Muon Collider Design Workshop (previously hosted at BNL) is aimed at bringing together all the groups working on various designs for Muon Colliders. The goal is to review and assess the current state of the concepts, simulation work and experiments. We shall examine practical limits on the performance of required technologies in attempt to focus future efforts towards a baseline collider scenario. The workshops will cover topics such as:

Important Deadlines & Information

Local Organizers
Alex Bogacz (JLAB) and Robert Rimmer (JLAB) co-chairs

Program Committee

Yuri Alexahin (FNAL)
Chuck Ankenbrandt (Muons, Inc.)
Richard Fernow (BNL)

For Inquiries

Sponsorship support provided by Muons, Inc.