Jefferson Lab > GLab
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Installation Instruction

Dear Jefferson Lab Geant4 Tutorial Participants,

We are asking all participants to take care of their basic Geant4 installation in advance of the tutorial. There is simply too much material involved to have everyone download it at the same time over the wireless network that we will have in the tutorial room. Even without the networking issues, the installation process can be quite time-consuming on the typical laptop.

This installation is the kind of work that is best performed as a background task in the evening where you can set it running and then come back to it from time to time.

Installation instructions have been prepared for all three supported operating systems, Linux, Mac and Windows.

Since these are a completely new set of installation instructions, please send me feedback as soon as possible if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions on how the instructions could be made more clear.

The instructions are available at:

We look forward to seeing you at JLAB in two weeks.

Joseph Perl, for the JLAB Geant4 Tutorial organizers